Falkland Islands weather live forecast

Tomorrow's maximum temperature in the Falkland Islands is expected to be 43°F.

5-day weather forecast updated at 04:00 on Wednesday 4th December 2024 GMT

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The 5-day weather forecast for Falkland Islands, represented by Stanley, (Stanley) is provided by the Swiss meteorological agency, meteoblue. Find out more about our data sources.

Falkland Islands weather forecast by day

Below are the detailed weather forecasts for the Falkland Islands for the next 5 days. The forecasts shown are for Stanley and may not represent the whole of the Falkland Islands. Browse more destinations in Falkland Islands to view more weather forecasts.

Falkland Islands weather for Wednesday 4th December 2024

Expect mostly cloudy with light rain in Falkland Islands with a maximum temperature of 43°F, maximum UV of 7 (High) and 5 hours of bright sunshine. There are 2-5 mm of rainfall expected with 63% chance of some rain and a strong breeze of 29 mph from the south.

  • 43°F maximum temperature43
    °F maximum temperature
  • 39°F minimum temperature39
    °F minimum temperature
  • Mostly cloudy with light rain
    mostly cloudy with light rain
  • 5 hours of bright sunshine5
    hours of sunshine
  • UV (maximum) index 7 (High)7
    UV index (High)
  • 63% chance of some rain63
    % chance of some rain
  • 2-5 mm of rainfall expected<5
    mm of rainfall expected
  • 32°F wind chill32
    °F wind chill
  • Strong breeze of 29 mph from the South29
    mph wind from S

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Falkland Islands weather for Thursday 5th December 2024

Expect mostly cloudy with light rain in Falkland Islands with a maximum temperature of 41°F, maximum UV of 6 (High) and 6 hours of bright sunshine. There are 2-5 mm of rainfall expected with 41% chance of some rain and a fresh breeze of 22 mph from the south.

  • 41°F maximum temperature41
    °F maximum temperature
  • 37°F minimum temperature37
    °F minimum temperature
  • Mostly cloudy with light rain
    mostly cloudy with light rain
  • 6 hours of bright sunshine6
    hours of sunshine
  • UV (maximum) index 6 (High)6
    UV index (High)
  • 41% chance of some rain41
    % chance of some rain
  • 2-5 mm of rainfall expected<5
    mm of rainfall expected
  • 32°F wind chill32
    °F wind chill
  • Fresh breeze of 22 mph from the South22
    mph wind from S

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Falkland Islands weather for Friday 6th December 2024

Expect mostly cloudy with light rain in Falkland Islands with a maximum temperature of 41°F, maximum UV of 4 (Moderate) and 4 hours of bright sunshine. There are 2-5 mm of rainfall expected with 70% chance of some rain and a moderate breeze of 17 mph from the south.

  • 41°F maximum temperature41
    °F maximum temperature
  • 37°F minimum temperature37
    °F minimum temperature
  • Mostly cloudy with light rain
    mostly cloudy with light rain
  • 4 hours of bright sunshine4
    hours of sunshine
  • UV (maximum) index 4 (Moderate)4
    UV index (Moderate)
  • 70% chance of some rain70
    % chance of some rain
  • 2-5 mm of rainfall expected<5
    mm of rainfall expected
  • 34°F wind chill34
    °F wind chill
  • Moderate breeze of 17 mph from the South17
    mph wind from S

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Falkland Islands weather for Saturday 7th December 2024

Expect sunshine and showers in Falkland Islands with a maximum temperature of 45°F, maximum UV of 5 (Moderate) and 8 hours of bright sunshine. There are 0-2 mm of rainfall expected with 44% chance of some rain and a moderate breeze of 17 mph from the south.

  • 45°F maximum temperature45
    °F maximum temperature
  • 37°F minimum temperature37
    °F minimum temperature
  • Sunshine and showers
    sunshine and showers
  • 8 hours of bright sunshine8
    hours of sunshine
  • UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate)5
    UV index (Moderate)
  • 44% chance of some rain44
    % chance of some rain
  • 0-2 mm of rainfall expected<2
    mm of rainfall expected
  • 37°F wind chill37
    °F wind chill
  • Moderate breeze of 17 mph from the South17
    mph wind from S

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Falkland Islands weather for Sunday 8th December 2024

Expect mostly cloudy with light rain in Falkland Islands with a maximum temperature of 48°F, maximum UV of 6 (High) and 4 hours of bright sunshine. There are 2-5 mm of rainfall expected with 63% chance of some rain and a moderate breeze of 17 mph from the south.

  • 48°F maximum temperature48
    °F maximum temperature
  • 41°F minimum temperature41
    °F minimum temperature
  • Mostly cloudy with light rain
    mostly cloudy with light rain
  • 4 hours of bright sunshine4
    hours of sunshine
  • UV (maximum) index 6 (High)6
    UV index (High)
  • 63% chance of some rain63
    % chance of some rain
  • 2-5 mm of rainfall expected<5
    mm of rainfall expected
  • 41°F wind chill41
    °F wind chill
  • Moderate breeze of 17 mph from the South17
    mph wind from S

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