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Bahia Feliz weather in April 2025
Expect 21°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 8 hours of sunshine per day in Bahia Feliz in April. Check more long-term weather averages for Bahia Feliz in April before you book your next holiday to Gran Canaria in 2025/2026.
- 2121°C max day temperature
- 8 hours of sunshine per day
- 22 days with some rainfall
- 1515°C min night temperature
- 1313 hours of daylight per day
- 0No heat & humidity
- 1111 mm of monthly rainfall
- 99 (Very High) UV index
- 1919°C sea temperature
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Recommended for Gran Canaria
The April weather guide for Gran Canaria (Bahia Feliz) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.
Metric (°C / mm) | Imperial (°F / inches)
More about Gran Canaria
How hot is it in Bahia Feliz in April?
Daytime temperatures usually reach 21°C in Bahia Feliz in April, falling to 15°C at night.
How sunny is it in Bahia Feliz in April?
There are normally 8 hours of bright sunshine each day in Bahia Feliz in April - that's 61% of daylight hours.
How warm is the sea around Bahia Feliz in April?
The average sea temperature around Bahia Feliz in April is 19°C.
Does it ever rain in Bahia Feliz in April?
There are usually 2 days with some rain in Bahia Feliz in April and the average monthly rainfall is 11mm.
Bahia Feliz April sunrise & sunset times
Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Bahia Feliz in April 2025. Select a month to view Bahia Feliz sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months.
Date | Sunrise times | Sunset times |
Tuesday, 1st April 2025 | 06:52 | 19:20 |
Tuesday, 15th April 2025 | 06:37 | 19:27 |
Wednesday, 30th April 2025 | 06:23 | 19:36 |
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