Tahoe City weather by month

Check out Tahoe City weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

Temperature in Tahoe City (°C)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max temperature (daytime)
4°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Tahoe City4
5°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Tahoe City5
6°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Tahoe City6
10°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Tahoe City10
15°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Tahoe City15
20°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Tahoe City20
25°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Tahoe City25
24°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Tahoe City24
20°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Tahoe City20
15°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Tahoe City15
8°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Tahoe City8
5°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Tahoe City5
Min temperature (night-time)
-7°C minimum night-time temperature in January in Tahoe City-7
-7°C minimum night-time temperature in February in Tahoe City-7
-6°C minimum night-time temperature in March in Tahoe City-6
-4°C minimum night-time temperature in April in Tahoe City-4
0°C minimum night-time temperature in May in Tahoe City0
3°C minimum night-time temperature in June in Tahoe City3
6°C minimum night-time temperature in July in Tahoe City6
6°C minimum night-time temperature in August in Tahoe City6
3°C minimum night-time temperature in September in Tahoe City3
-1°C minimum night-time temperature in October in Tahoe City-1
-4°C minimum night-time temperature in November in Tahoe City-4
-7°C minimum night-time temperature in December in Tahoe City-7
Heat & Humidity
No heat & humidity in January in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in February in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in March in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in April in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in May in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in June in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in July in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in August in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in September in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in October in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in November in Tahoe City0
No heat & humidity in December in Tahoe City0

Note: 0 = None, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High, VH = Very high, E = Extreme

Sunshine & Daylight in Tahoe City

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily hours of sunshine
Daily hours of daylight
10 hours of daylight per day in January in Tahoe City10
11 hours of daylight per day in February in Tahoe City11
12 hours of daylight per day in March in Tahoe City12
13 hours of daylight per day in April in Tahoe City13
14 hours of daylight per day in May in Tahoe City14
15 hours of daylight per day in June in Tahoe City15
15 hours of daylight per day in July in Tahoe City15
14 hours of daylight per day in August in Tahoe City14
12 hours of daylight per day in September in Tahoe City12
11 hours of daylight per day in October in Tahoe City11
10 hours of daylight per day in November in Tahoe City10
9 hours of daylight per day in December in Tahoe City9
UV Index (Maximum)
UV (maximum) index 2 (Low) in January in Tahoe City2
UV (maximum) index 3 (Moderate) in February in Tahoe City3
UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate) in March in Tahoe City5
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in April in Tahoe City7
UV (maximum) index 9 (Very High) in May in Tahoe City9
UV (maximum) index 10 (Very High) in June in Tahoe City10
UV (maximum) index 10 (Very High) in July in Tahoe City10
UV (maximum) index 9 (Very High) in August in Tahoe City9
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in September in Tahoe City7
UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate) in October in Tahoe City5
UV (maximum) index 3 (Moderate) in November in Tahoe City3
UV (maximum) index 2 (Low) in December in Tahoe City2

Rainfall in Tahoe City

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Number of days with some rain
8 days with some rainfall in January in Tahoe City8
7 days with some rainfall in February in Tahoe City7
8 days with some rainfall in March in Tahoe City8
6 days with some rainfall in April in Tahoe City6
5 days with some rainfall in May in Tahoe City5
5 days with some rainfall in June in Tahoe City5
4 days with some rainfall in July in Tahoe City4
4 days with some rainfall in August in Tahoe City4
4 days with some rainfall in September in Tahoe City4
4 days with some rainfall in October in Tahoe City4
7 days with some rainfall in November in Tahoe City7
7 days with some rainfall in December in Tahoe City7
Average monthly rainfall (mm)
141 mm monthly rainfall in January in Tahoe City141
118 mm monthly rainfall in February in Tahoe City118
102 mm monthly rainfall in March in Tahoe City102
50 mm monthly rainfall in April in Tahoe City50
30 mm monthly rainfall in May in Tahoe City30
21 mm monthly rainfall in June in Tahoe City21
9 mm monthly rainfall in July in Tahoe City9
13 mm monthly rainfall in August in Tahoe City13
20 mm monthly rainfall in September in Tahoe City20
48 mm monthly rainfall in October in Tahoe City48
107 mm monthly rainfall in November in Tahoe City107
134 mm monthly rainfall in December in Tahoe City134

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Tahoe City by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for California (Tahoe City) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

What's the climate like in Tahoe City?

Tahoe City has a cold climate with warm dry summers.

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Compare Tahoe City with the UK

Below the Tahoe City chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Tahoe City, California, USA and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Tahoe City, California, USA
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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