Thailand weather by month

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Thailand by month

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The climate guide for Thailand (Bangkok) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Thailand climate overview

Thailand is a country with a rich history and distinct cultural identity centred on the Buddhist religion and a respect for tradition. These things, combined with a warm climate and spectacular landscapes, from forested mountains to golden sandy beaches, make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia today.

Geographically Thailand can be divided into four regions. In the north, centred on Chiang Mai, and along almost the entire length of the border with Burma, are mountains.

To the east towards the border with Laos is the Korat Plateau, a relatively arid region characterised by undulating hills. Between these is the central lowland plain, an incredibly fertile area, where most of the population lives and where the capital Bangkok is located.

In the far south is the southern peninsular that stretches all the way down to the border with Malaysia. This is where most of the beach resorts can be found, such as Phuket and Krabi.

The weather in Thailand is dominated by the two Asian monsoons. From May to October the south-west monsoon brings moisture from the Indian Ocean that falls as rain, peaking in August and September in the north, and a month or two later further south.

From October to February the wind direction is reversed and a cooler drier north-east monsoon wind blows off the Asian landmass, bringing a dry season. Temperatures fall slightly in the dry season but this is only really noticeable at night.

There is a short transitional period between the monsoons during March and April. This is the hottest time of the year over the whole country. In the far south proximity to the sea moderates the heat somewhat, however some parts of central Thailand can become almost unbearably hot and humid in April and May.

With the onset of the monsoon in May temperatures drop slightly and cloudier conditions persist through to October in the north, and right into December in the south particularly on Gulf of Thailand coast to the south of Koh Samui. However this east coast also gets less rain than the west coast in the early part of the wet season from May to October.

Thailand is largely protected from the full force of typhoons that affect the South China Sea by the landmass of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia lying between it and the ocean to the east.

Usually dissipated storms affect only the north of the country, particularly in September and October when they can bring a lot of rain and flooding. However very occasionally one will slip into the Gulf of Thailand to the south of Vietnam and strike the far south of the country.

In December 2004 all coastal areas on the west side of the peninsular were severely affected by the Boxing Day Indian Ocean Tsunami, which also led to great loss of life.

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Compare Thailand with the UK

Below the Thailand chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Thailand (Bangkok) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Thailand (Bangkok)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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